Mix 1 egg,2 tbs coconut oil and 2tbs sesame oil. apply the mixture to dry hair warp a hot moist towel. Relax for some time . Apply shampoo without wetting the hair. Then rinse the hair with water. a good conditioner and moisturizer for hair.

  • EGG & LIME
Mix together egg white, lime juice and a spoon of coconut oil or olive oil together and apply to your hair and scalp. This will help reduce dandruff and act as a good conditioner.

Apply sour yogurt to the hair and scalp. make sure that the yogurt is not cold. keep it for 15 mins and rinse off. this treatment is good for dandruff and also works as a good conditioner.
Yogurt is a good remedy to thicken hair too.

Apply mayonnaise mixed with olive oil and egg on to the hair. and warp the hair with a towel which is warm for at least 30 mins. wash the hair with shampoo.

Take a hand full of hibiscus leaves or flower crush it in a bowl of water using hand or blender. filter it and wash the hair with this water. its a very good natural shampoo. and makes your hair soft and shiny.