Cracked heels are a sign of lack of attention rather than just over exposure or lack of moisturizing.
Home remedies are cost effective and result oriented solutions one can experiment with.
Here are some popular and effective home remedies for your cracked heels.

  1. Apply the pulp of a ripe banana on the cracked or dry area of the feet. keep it for 10mins and rinse and pat dry. Moisturize with a foot cream.
  2. Make a paste of small onion and apply it on the dry cracked area of the feet. leave it for 10-20mins and wash with warm water. pat dry and moisturize.
  3. Apply a mixture of glycerin and lemon juice daily on the cracked area until one finds a difference.
  4. Soak the feet in warm soapy water at the end of the day for about 15mins.Rinse feet and pat dry. Prepare a healing mixture with of 1 lemon juice and 1tsp of Vaseline. Rub the mixture on to the affected areas till it is thoroughly absorbed. This can be applied daily until visible results are obtained.


chitra said...

I like the 3 and 4th one. I have this problem and regularly use pumice stone.and then I apply oil

Rati said...

Thank you for the tips. They are very nice. :)

Ani said...

Welcome Chitraji and Rati.